5. Geshe Gedun Samdup

Geshe Gedun Samdup joined Gaden Jangtse Monastery in 1971, later achieving the degree of Geshe Lharampa. Geshe-la has been living off and on in the Bay Area, generously giving teachings and leading pujas teachings at our Center.

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Postal Address - Nechung Buddhist Center, 5819 Bayview Ave, Richmond, California 94804, United States
Contact No:  Ven. Ngawang Khenrab +1 (510) 604-4538 (Tibetan Language),
Rinchen Gelek: +1 (510) 295-7654 (English), Tsering Gyurmey: +1 (510) 390-6771 (English),
Email Id: nechungbc@gmail.com, Website: www.nechungbc.com

Postal Address: Nechung Buddhist Center,
5819 Bayview Ave, Richmond,
California 94804, United States
Contact No:  (Language)
Ven. Ngawang Khenrab +1 (510) 604-4538 (Tibetan),
Rinchen Gelek: +1 (510) 295-7654 (English),
Tsering Gyurmey: +1 (510) 390-6771 (English)
Email Id: nechungbc@gmail.com
Website: www.nechungbc.com